Bachelor of Science in Entertainment Industry Studies


The Delta Music Institute (DMI) is an independent center housed within the College of Business and Aviation at Delta State University. 我们的使命是为学生提供全面和动态的技术教育, creative, 和娱乐行业的商业方面.S. in Entertainment Industry Studies degree. With a focus on hands-on learning experiences, DMI学生有机会与该领域经验丰富的专业人士一起工作, gain valuable industry knowledge and connections, 培养在娱乐事业上取得成功所必需的技能.

娱乐圈的职业生涯需要广泛的技能、专业知识和决心. At Delta State University, 我们的娱乐产业研究项目为实现您的目标提供了理想的平台. Whether you’re interested in producing or performing, our program will provide you with the knowledge, experience, and connections you need to succeed. 今天申请,开始你的旅程,朝着一个充实和令人兴奋的职业生涯在娱乐行业!


One of Billboard’s Top Music Business Schools for 2023


World-class Recording Studio Facilities



Why Choose Entertainment Industry Studies at DSU?


娱乐产业研究学士课程旨在培养音频工程技术和娱乐产业创业方面的广泛技能, 为您提供在各种娱乐行业职业中工作的基础知识基础. As an Education Partner with GRAMMY Museum® Mississippi, an Avid Learning Partner offering Pro Tools Certification, and a Grammy U Affiliate, DMI项目为学生提供了宝贵的行业联系和资源,帮助他们充分发挥潜力.

Our alumni are well-equipped to tackle the technical, business, 以及娱乐行业的专业人士现在和未来面临的法律挑战. Whether you aspire to work in music, film, theater, or other areas of entertainment, 我们的课程将帮助您建立知识和技能的坚实基础,以取得成功. 加入我们的KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载,在令人兴奋和充满活力的娱乐行业开始你的职业生涯.

  • A comprehensive curriculum
  • Hands-on experience
  • Three commercial music bands
  • A student-run record label
  • Industry connections
  • GRAMMY Award winning alumni
David Cho, Delta Music Institute student

我们有机会在全国顶尖的音乐商学院学习娱乐行业,并获得实践经验, and it’s really affordable.

David Cho, Entertainment Industry Studies majorClass of 2024

Areas of Study in Entertainment Industry Studies

Large studio console powered on in the control room.

Audio Engineering Technology

The Audio Engineering Technology concentration 是为想成为录音工程师的学生准备的吗, live sound engineer, audio editor, or production assistant. 我们的许多学生都有正规音乐训练的背景,尽管这不是必须的. In our experience, 成功的音频工程技术专业学生有很强的解决问题的能力和对技术的熟练掌握,同时具有出色的人际沟通能力.


Entertainment Industry Entrepreneurship

The Entertainment Industry Entrepreneurship concentration 是为那些想要成为艺人经纪人的学生准备的, songwriter, promoter, business owner, or performer. 许多学生都有正规音乐训练的背景,尽管这不是必须的. 成功的娱乐行业创业学生有很强的合作能力,通常具有创新精神,并渴望在行业的商业方面寻求职业发展.


Minors in Entertainment Industry Studies

The Minors in Entertainment Industry Studies consist of 21 hours of study in either Audio Engineering Technology or Entertainment Industry Entrepreneurship. 这些辅修课程是为KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载渴望获得实际概念知识的学生开设的, skills, 以及当今不断发展的娱乐行业的实践.

What Can I Do with a Bachelor’s Degree in
Entertainment Industry Studies?

A B.S. 在娱乐产业研究学位可以打开广泛的职业机会在娱乐行业. 该学位毕业生最常见的工作包括:

  • Artist Manager
  • Promoter
  • Songwriter
  • Performer
  • Tour Manager
  • Media Relations/PR
  • Recording Engineer
  • Live Sound Engineer
  • Audio Editor
  • Music Producer
  • Mixing Engineer
  • Mastering Engineer

Delta Music Institute Scholarships

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的娱乐产业研究项目比许多提供类似机会的同龄人更实惠. 在杜克州立大学,我们会自动考虑你申请奖学金. 你可能会考虑一些奖学金,包括娱乐行业研究专业的机会, participants in DMI leadership activities, 即将升入德尔塔音乐学院娱乐产业专业的大二学生, 以及参加DMI三大商业音乐乐队之一的杰出音乐家. 学生也可能有资格获得非特定项目的奖学金机会.

Program Goals

DMI的使命是为学生提供广泛而全面的技术教育, business, 以及音乐和娱乐行业的创意领域. In keeping with the overall mission of the University, DMI计划通过多种基于项目的学习机会鼓励重要的学生与教师互动, directs students to develop respect for different ethnic, 并通过对社会经济群体共同感兴趣的娱乐产业进行研究和指导学生发展, assessing, and expressing their own thoughts effectively.

Admission Requirements

这个项目的申请者必须满足KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的要求 admission requirements.

There are no additional program admission requirements.



Audio Engineering Technology

Course Number Course Title Credits
DMI 202 Computer Audio Skills I 3
DMI 203 Computer Audio Skills II 3
DMI 211 Recording Studio Theory & Practice I 3
DMI 311 Recording Studio Theory & Practice II 3
DMI 314 Live Sound Reinforcement II 3
DMI 322 Critical Listening 3
DMI 331 Audio Monitoring & Mixing 3
DMI 411 Recording Studio Theory & Practice III 3
DMI 403 Computer Audio Skills III 3

Audio Engineering Technology (Minor)

Course Number Course Title Credits
DMI 202 Computer Audio Skills I 3
DMI 203 Computer Audio Skills II 3
DMI 211 Recording Studio Theory & Practice I 3
DMI 311 Recording Studio Theory & Practice II 3
DMI 322 Critical Listening 3
DMI 331 Audio Monitoring & Mixing 3
DMI 403 Computer Audio Skills III 3

Entertainment Industry Entrepreneurship

Course Number Course Title Credits
DMI 210 The Craft of Songwriting 3
DMI 300 Entertainment Industry Entrepreneurship 3
DMI 310 The Business of Songwriting 3
DMI 315 Entertainment Product Marketing 3
DMI 320 Audio Production 3
DMI 325 Concert Promotion & Touring 3
DMI 415 Entertainment Business Copyrights & Contracts 3
DMI 430 Artist Management 3
DMI 435 Sound Design for Film & Visual Media 3

Entertainment Industry Entrepreneurship (Minor)

Course Number Course Title Credits
DMI 101 Entertainment Industry Survey 3
DMI 300 Entertainment Industry Entrepreneurship 3
DMI 310 The Business of Songwriting 3
DMI 315 Entertainment Product Marketing 3
DMI 320 Audio Production 3
DMI 325 Concert Promotion & Touring 3
DMI 415 Entertainment Industry Copyrights & Contracts 3

Degree Requirements

To earn this degree, you must successfully complete at least 120 credits, 包括你的通识教育要求和下面的专业要求.

General Education 39-40
University Requirement 1
Entertainment Industry Core 26
Business Core 15
Concentration 27
DMI Electives 11

有关学位要求和完成学位所需课程的更多信息, consult the Undergraduate Academic Catalog. 有关如何在4年内完成该学位的学期细分,请访问 academic maps.


Tuition at DSU covers the cost of classes. 选择三角洲音乐学院的课程可能需要额外的费用. 在娱乐产业研究课程中攻读学位和专业的学生需要购买 specific hardware and related software and accessories to participate in the EIS program.

Please refer to the undergraduate academic catalog for other course-related fees.

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